Children from TES have each read and recorded a section of a book published in one of the EU Member States in the year 2004 when 10 new countries joined the EU together with Estonia.
The game will be available for playing on Vikerraadio's website on September 25 at 7 a.m., the answers can be sent until 3 p.m. on September 26. The game can be played either individually or with a class.
Reedene intervjuu. Huko Aaspõllu ja Eero Treumann
Kui reeglina räägitakse majandusest vaid juba olnut hinnates, siis selle nädala "Reedese intervjuu" külaline on inimene, kellelt on mõistlik tuleviku kohta küsida.
Alates 02.04.2020 kuvab ERR kommenteerija täisnime.